Unveiling The "Salt Water Trick" That Taking Me
From 237 to 136!

At 62, 5'6", I Hit 136 Pounds – A Remarkable Journey from 237 That Defies Time and Expectations!

Hi, I'm Connie Miller - a proud grandmother from New York with 32 years of marital bliss, a handsome boy, and three adorable grandchildren, Mia, Sean, and Alex.

Recently, I stumbled upon a secret that took me from 237 to 136, bringing back the lively girl of my 20s and 30s.

Let me tell you about my journey inspired by my daughter-in-law Jennifer – it's a story that will leave you eager to discover the secrets of the Empire State's fountain of youth!

It was so easy to:

At 60, EVERYTHING Started to Take a Nosedive Real Fast.

Overnight, my once elegant and petite figure began to expand.

Unless I wanted to carry that body for the rest of my life, I couldn’t eat whatever I wanted.

When I was younger, I would just burn everything off without a second thought, but now I wasn’t able to do it anymore.

I no longer felt like my metabolism was firing on all cylinders.

My health was deteriorating. I didn’t feel like I had energy during the day. As early evening approached, I fell asleep in front of the TV.

That’s not who I am at all!

To boost my energy the next day, I would go to bed earlier at night.

The plan didn’t work, however. On some nights, I slept 10 hours, and the next morning I was still dragging my butt!

There was no doubt in my mind that it was unacceptable. Even then, I wasn’t aware of how serious the situation had become.

I knew, however, that it was time to face how I was. So I went out and bought a scale for the first time.

After getting it home, I put the battery in (it was a fancy digital one) and stepped on it.

There was no way I could believe my eyes! 237!

At that moment, my heart pounded.

After forcing myself to look in the bathroom mirror, I felt like crying. Double chin, extra rolls in the middle…

I had no doubt that I needed to do something to change urgently. I felt tired, bloated, and my self-esteem was rock bottom. My life was a mess!

At some point during my pregnancy and a full-time job, I lost sight of myself and my health.

While I was getting ready for bed that night, I made a decision to get the REAL ME BACK!

The Time Had Come to Bring Back The
'REAL ME' in Full Force!

From what I could imagine, I tried everything.

My first attempt was to walk, but it didn’t work either. This was a time-consuming exercise with no real results in the end.

I changed my eating habits. Several times. The detox and elimination plan did not work for me.

I became a vegan for a while, but I was always hungry. After that, I switched completely to a protein-rich diet with meat.

Whooooo, talk about the need for a bit of fiber! 😳

Of course, I also tried Keto, Paleo, carnivore, and all the other trends.


Using the internet, I researched old home remedies and strange concoctions in the kitchen.

Have you heard the silly myth of sleeping with an onion in your socks? Yes, I tried that too!

After some time, I decided to visit the doctor to see what he could do. Perhaps I had a bigger problem than I realized.


My Visit to Jennifer
Was Not Expected

I expected her to receive me poorly, as usual, after so many fights we had, and because I always complained about losing James, my son, to her 😔.

But wow, I was wrong; I would have a surprise…

Her accident due to excess weight while having dinner with James and the kids left her a different person. For the first time, she listened to me patiently, and after the conclusion of my account of not being able to bear living with the excess weight anymore, she said the following:

“You need to address the root cause”.

I wasn’t ready for what would come next… I sat on the edge of my seat, begging her to spill the beans and tell me what she knew!

Then she said something completely new to me:

“Your excess weight is related to sleep; it’s nothing like what the weight loss industry sells out there, like fancy diets, impossible-to-do exercises, and all those crazy things.

I ended up in the hospital after passing out at dinner due to lack of breath. Connie, your son James started an exhaustive research to try to tackle my obesity; after all, my weight was as inconvenient for me as it was for him, seeing me sick, not at all attractive, and still at risk of having a heart attack at any moment, leaving our 3 children orphaned.

After all his research and with lots of data in hand, Pete turned to Dr. Basset, the country’s leading weight loss specialist, who typically works with celebrities, movie stars and professional athletes.

Dr. Basset decided to tell James everything, and revealed something magnificent, which simply made me worry about losing so much weight so quickly. Going completely against what the industry says.

This method may seem unconventional, but it is backed by scientific research. It’s known as the Salt Water Trick, and you do it before bed…”

I was desperate to learn about this trick, so I asked her if there was anywhere I could learn.

“Thinking of helping more people in the same situation I was in, Connie, your son James recorded a video where he explains exactly what this thing they called Salt Water Trick is, to mislead the industry, and how to do it.

He didn’t warn you before because he’s being heavily pursued by the weight loss industry, and they’re doing everything to take the video down. But James, just as he is dedicated to aviation, is fighting hard for more and more people to watch before it’s too late.

It’s time for people to discover the truth about excess weight.”

She told me as I was leaving her house: “I truly believe this will change your life.”

The truth is… I couldn’t wait to get home. Instead, I grabbed my phone and watched the video from my car as soon as I sat in the driver’s seat.

My eyes were glued to the screen as I sat there.

My mind was impressed with everything I learned in the video, and as a mother, very proud to see my son James on the screen explaining everything 😍.

Thousands of men and women have already used what they called “salt water trick” to lose inches and get back to a healthy shape.

Was it really possible to solve this problem with something so simple? Really?

Unveiling The Secret:
99.7% of Americans Remain Unaware of The Power of This Simple Salt Water Trick
That Melts Fat Overnight!

I love who I have become. My “REAL ME” is back. Its absence lasted for so long.

With my health heading in the right direction, I’m confident I’ll be around to help my daughter-in-law when she needs me. Yes, after she lost weight, she became a better person, and it made me change too. Now we are best friends. And now I can play and run after my grandchildren!

All because James discovered the Salt Water Trick.

Over time, I started receiving many questions from my friends and family, and I was tired of having the same conversation repeatedly.

Now I’m just providing them with a link containing the same information I received.

I don’t have control over this video. Dr. Basset and James are facing tremendous pressure from the weight loss industry to shut it down because people are no longer falling for fancy diets and impossible exercise routines. But I checked last week, and it’s still active.

If you’re curious about this incredible Salt Water Trick, don’t miss it.

Click the image/button below and dive into the video immediately.

Community Blog Comments

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Becky Smith  2d

Thanks to you I got rid of ozempic Connie!

👍 55   💬 22   🔗 7

Mary Davis 9d

Approved!! 😅 I thought this was a scam at first. But turns out, it’s the best thing ever happening to me!! 👍

👍 32   💬 41   🔗 2

Patricia Miller 25d

I never thought it would be that easy. My husband’s fixed now, too 😂

👍 45   💬 26    🔗 3

Linda Garcia  9d

YOOO! Love everything about this post. Hit that e-harmony, Baby!! You look amazing! ❤️

👍 14   💬 5   🔗 1

Jennifer Rodriguez  3h

I love your story. And start dating again! Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’m doing the water hack right now. I feel great. Thank you Connie for sharing!

👍 99   💬 56   🔗 12

Maria Lopez  2d

wow! on it right now! Amazing results! Thank you so so much for sharing. My friends doin’ it, too!!

👍 59   💬 21   🔗 5

Dorothy Wilson  6d

Awesome job! look amazing 🙌🏼

👍 88   💬 25   🔗 2

Lisa Miller  10d

Hard work always pays off! Or in this case, not so hard work 😉 . I love the trick! On it, lost so much and was happy as hell!

👍 12   💬 4    🔗 1

Karen Jones  1d

Love it, Love it, Love it!! My husbands on it, too 😂 👍

👍 23   💬 55   🔗 10

Carol Brown  8d

What a story. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m on it for 4 days. The results are amazing!

👍 28   💬 19   🔗 4

Ruth Davis  8d

I’m in tears right now. Definitely going to test the Trick!

👍 54   💬 18   🔗 4

Sharon Thomas  9d

Best blog post in years! 👍 Go Sharon, go!! ❤

👍 13   💬 8   🔗 3

Michelle Martin  3d

I’m back to baking cookies with my granddaughter thanks to your tweak!! Thank you so much for sharing! 👍

👍 32  💬  4  🔗 3

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